Vendors Guild






Would you like to be a vendor

and become part of our family?

Are you an artist, crafts person?

We now offer something unique.


At the Southeast Texas Renaissance Faire

we support vendors,

therefore we offer The Vendors Guild.


As we are developing a new large site,

joining the Guild will assure your spot for 10 yrs.

This one time membership fee guarantees you

a permanent spot to build your shop.

Camping included. (you will be responsible for your utilities)


This approach is the best way to assure your roll

in Southeast Texas Renaissance Faire.


When you join the Guild, you pay once!

This membership covers your spot for 10 yrs.

We want our vendor family to be able to grow as we grow.

Your membership will cover a spot up to 10x20.

(if you have/need a bigger spot the fee will be higher).

Pop ups are accepted for the first year,

as long as you decorate them.

(We know how hard it is to get started.)

We do want you to build a booth or store.


We'll have 2 faire seasons, May-June and Oct-Nov.,

as well as themed events throughout the year.


A Food Vendor can also join the guild.

The fee will be adjusted accordingly!


We want diversity, but not too many of the same things.

The Vendors Guild starts at $1000.00.

We also offer a payment plan,

One down payment of half the fee and two 1/4 payments

After your down payment,

you'll have +/- 60 days to make your 2nd & 3rd payment.

Before you say wow that's a lot.

Remember this is a one time fee, good for 10 yrs.

Again, we do have to adjust the payment accordingly

to anything bigger than 10x20.


You will be able to come sell your goods

at all our 'Renaissance' themed weekends & other events.

Pay once and don't worry about it for a decade.


Come be a part of the Southeast Texas Renaissance Faire

and help us make this the best show in Southeast Texas.



This is a family friendly (pg-13) site.


  Click on the button below to make a Vendors Guild payment.

(after you've been approved!)


 Pay here! 




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Copyright © 2022 The Southeast Texas Renaissance Faire LLC         Phone:  (409) 377-0954        Email: